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How to Make an Iced Blonde Vanilla Bean Coconut Latte

Are you looking for a delicious, refreshing, and slightly tropical iced latte to cool down on those hot summer days? 

Look no further than this simple iced blonde vanilla bean coconut latte! 

This creamy drink combines the sweetness of vanilla with the subtle nuttiness of coconut and is sure to be a hit from the very first sip. 

Not only is it incredibly tasty, but it’s also surprisingly simple to make – all you need are some basic ingredients found in most grocery stores. 

So grab your favorite mug and get ready to enjoy an ice-cold treat that will keep you cool all season long!

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What is an Iced Blonde Vanilla Bean Coconut Latte?

An iced vanilla bean coconutmilk latte is an iced coffee made with blonde espresso, ice, vanilla syrup, and coconut milk.

The flavor combination of the lighter roasted coffee and the creaminess of the vanilla and coconut milk produce a refreshing and flavorful mix of sweet and bitter flavors. 

And the rich, nutty coconut flavor complements the espresso’s smooth taste perfectly.

It’s a dreamy flavor combination that screams “me time” in the most delightful way.

What’s in an Iced Blonde Vanilla Bean Coconut Latte?

The beautiful thing about this cold coffee drink recipe is how easily you can customize the ingredients!

Blonde Espresso

Starbucks is famous for using blonde espresso in several of its custom drinks, including this one.

And if you’re wondering what separates blonde espresso from regular espresso, you’re not alone.

Blonde espresso is simply a lighter roasted version. This gives it a slightly sweeter, less bitter flavor than the dark roast version.

Although many of my recreations include freshly made shots of espresso, I took a different approach to this recipe. I used Starbucks instant blonde roast coffee for this recipe, and the results were spectacular!

If you’re not a fan of instant coffee, Starbucks, or otherwise, feel free to substitute with whatever coffee beans you have.

Cold brew, child espresso shots, and leftover coffee from this morning’s brew could all be substituted in this recipe.

Vanilla and Coconut Flavors

Feel free to use sweet vanilla syrup to add a hint of deliciousness to this drink. I prefer using homemade simple syrup and a teaspoon of vanilla extract.

You could also try vanilla bean powder, although I have not experimented to see how it would work in this recipe.

Add 1/2 teaspoon of coconut extract to the milk if you want a more robust coconut flavor. Try adding 1 teaspoon of coconut coffee syrup for extra flavor and sweetness.


This recipe is designed with coconut milk in mind, but feel free to use whatever you have on hand. Soy milk works well, as does skim or whole milk.

Again, if you add coconut coffee syrup or extract, you can add a hint of coconut to the type of milk you have in the fridge.

This recipe is all about ease, relaxation, and enjoying some time for yourself! So don’t make it complicated!


Iced Blonde Vanilla Bean Coconut Latte Recipe

Easy, refreshing, and the perfect way to cool off on a hot summer day!


  • 2 tsp Starbucks blonde instant coffee powder or substitute your preference
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 1 tsp simple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp coconut extract optional
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • ice cubes


  • Combine the instant coffee powder and hot water in a Mason jar or your favorite glass.
  • Add the simple syrup and coconut extract. Stir until thoroughly mixed.
  • Fill the Mason jar with ice.
  • Combine the coconut milk and vanilla extract in a milk frother to transform them into delectable peaks of cold foam. You can use a blender, mixer, or Mason lid if you don't have a milk frother.
  • Pour the cold foam over the coffee and enjoy!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is blonde espresso?

Blonde espresso is a light-roasted espresso with a slightly sweeter, less bitter flavor than the original. This type of espresso is prevalent in many specialty drinks offered at Starbucks. 

​Blonde espresso pairs well with flavors such as vanilla with a hint of caramel and white chocolate. 

Can you use regular instead of blonde espresso in this recipe?

Absolutely! Using regular espresso will result in a slightly more strong coffee flavor.

You can substitute cold brew coffee or chilled, leftover coffee from this morning.

What type of milk should you use in an iced blonde vanilla bean coconut latte?

Coconut milk is ideal; however, feel free to substitute whatever type you have in your fridge.

You can add coconut flavor by adding 1/2 teaspoon of coconut extract or 1 teaspoon of coconut syrup. Use skim milk or 2% if you prefer.

Is this recipe dairy-free?

Yes, assuming you use coconut milk. In this recipe, you can also substitute other non-dairy milks, such as oat milk or even almond milk. 

Is this recipe sugar-free?

No, but you can easily add sugar-free vanilla syrup or make your own homemade simple syrup with Stevia instead of cane sugar to cut down on the sugar content.

Even with the full sugar version, it still pales compared to many other coffee drinks on chain store menus.

This recipe is easily adaptable to many different dietary restrictions.

Does this recipe contain caffeine?

Yes. The Starbucks blonde coffee powder contains between 75 and 85 mg of caffeine per cup.

If you prefer decaffeinated coffee, try decaffeinated espresso. 

Even decaffeinated coffee and espresso contains small amounts of caffeine, but it’s a much smaller amount than full caff versions. 

Can you add whipped cream to this drink?

Absolutely! This drink is designed to be easily customized to your tastes. 

Can you make this into a hot drink?

Yes. Give it a try, and let me know what you think!

Do you need an espresso machine to make this recipe?

Nope! Although you can definitely make blonde espresso if you have an espresso maker!

This blonde latte can be made with instant coffee granules.

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoy this iced blonde vanilla bean coconut latte as much as I do! It’s the perfect morning pick-me-up or slice of afternoon “me time” for coffee lovers everywhere!

It’s the best drink to whip up on short notice or to celebrate the end of another long work day.

This delicious drink recipe is simple and easy to customize.

Feel free to experiment with different flavors and types of milk, coffees, and syrups until you find a combination you enjoy the most.

Happy sipping! 

And if you love this post, check out my other coffee-inspired content!

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